Staff and students at West Point, the famed US military academy, gathered on Monday for what was supposed to be a historic moment: the opening of a mysterious 1820s time capsule, discovered months ago at the base of a campus monument…の日本語訳は?

Staff and students at West Point, the famed US military academy, gathered on Monday for what was supposed to be a historic moment: the opening of a mysterious 1820s time capsule, discovered months ago at the base of a campus monument.




  • Staff and students at West Point, the famed US military academy, gathered on Monday for what was supposed to be a historic moment: the opening of a mysterious 1820s time capsule, discovered months ago at the base of a campus monument.
  • 主語は「Staff and students at West Point, the famed US military academy」です。
  • 動詞は「gathered」です。
  • 目的語は「for what was supposed to be a historic moment: the opening of a mysterious 1820s time capsule, discovered months ago at the base of a campus monument」です。

「for what was supposed to be a historic moment」は、接続詞「for」と関係代名詞「what」を使った関係節です。この関係節は、「gathered」を修飾する目的語句です。

「the opening of a mysterious 1820s time capsule, discovered months ago at the base of a campus monument」は、また別の関係節です。この関係節は、「historic moment」を修飾する目的語句です。


  • 「for what was supposed to be a historic moment」

この関係節は、主語「what」と述語「was supposed to be a historic moment」から成っています。


「was supposed to be a historic moment」は、「supposed to be」という助動詞と「historic moment」という名詞から成る句です。この句は、「gathered」の目的語を修飾しています。

  • 「the opening of a mysterious 1820s time capsule, discovered months ago at the base of a campus monument」

この関係節は、主語「the opening」と述語「was discovered months ago at the base of a campus monument」から成っています。

「the opening」は、前述の「historic moment」を修飾する目的語です。

「was discovered months ago at the base of a campus monument」は、助動詞「was」と「discovered」という動詞から成る句です。この句は、「the opening」を修飾しています。








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