Employees of the Chinese-owned video app have regularly posted user information on a messaging and collaboration tool called Lark, according to internal documents…の訳は?

Employees of the Chinese-owned video app have regularly posted user information on a messaging and collaboration tool called Lark, according to internal documents.


主語: Employees (従業員)
述語: have regularly posted (定期的に投稿した)
目的語: user information (ユーザー情報)
前置詞句: on a messaging and collaboration tool called Lark (メッセージングおよびコラボレーションツールであるLarkに)
補語: according to internal documents (内部文書によれば)

この文の基本的な構造は「主語 + 述語 + 目的語」となっており、前置詞句と補語が追加されています。前置詞句は「on a messaging and collaboration tool called Lark」で、補語は「according to internal documents」です。


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